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PUTT Sponsor Spotlight | Datascan Pharmacy Software: The Software/Patient Care Connection Matters

Oct 30, 2023

Last July patients and pharmacies across the nation experienced a prescription access nightmare whenCVS Caremark’s prescription management software system failed. A tsunami of problems ensued that lasted almost 2 days.

Datascan Pharmacy Software, an independently-owned pharmacy management software provider specializing in the needs of community pharmacy, has been a pharmacy profession partner for more than 40 years.

“For big businesses, it’s often negligible if customers leave because of malfunctions like a software problem,” Datascan Pharmacy Software Vice President, Sarah Callioras said. “They can literally afford to lose customers because they have so many to begin with. But just as small pharmacies treasure every patient they serve, so do small business providers like Datascan."

CVS Caremark is the largest pharmacy benefit manager in the U.S. representing almost a third of the market.

The management software a pharmacy uses might not be something patients consider as relevant to their care, but behind the scenes, especially in independent pharmacy, pharmacists recognize its importance. Pharmacies depend on prescription management systems for everything from patient records to claims processing, and absolutely no one can afford to have that system go down, even for a few minutes.

Back in 1981, Datascan was born through the recognition that independent pharmacies needed to move away from handwritten or typewriter-based claims and computerize their businesses. Fast forward 40+ years. Datascan is still family-owned and currently one of the only family-owned independent pharmacy software vendors left in the U.S. “We are the independently owned software company for the independent pharmacies,” says Kevin Minassian, Datascan Pharmacy Software President.

“National chain pharmacies are beholden to their investors and shareholders,” Kevin notes. “Giant pharmacy software providers tend to operate in that same vein - largely consolidated and venture capital backed, which inevitably results in a mass production mentality and cookie cutter offerings. Not exactly a patient or pharmacy-first model of business.”

“Our success comes from helping our pharmacies, " continues Kevin. “And one of our biggest focuses is helping them overcome the daily challenges they have that are brought on by PBMs. In order for independents to succeed they need to be supported by partners who share their same values and treat them the same way they treat their patients. It all comes down to independents supporting independents.”

“We think of our clients as family,” says Sarah. “Independent pharmacies go the extra mile for their patients every day. From knowing their patients’ names and families, to running a delivery to someone’s home, or coming in after hours to make sure an emergency prescription is handled immediately. They put their patients first. We only work with independent pharmacies so we want to ensure they’re treated with the level of individualized care they consistently show their patients. It’s our mission to make that happen.”

“We feel closely aligned with PUTT on just how important it is to support independent ownership,” continues Sarah. “As someone who comes from the industry, I can attest to the vast difference between independent and chain pharmacies. From the level of service and care patients receive, to the affordability and overall experience, the chains simply cannot compete. PUTT advocates for the longevity and future of independent pharmacy, and we can parallel the very same experience patients receive to what Datascan delivers to its customers.”

This summer, Datascan Pharmacy Software became the sponsor of PUTT’s flagship podcast the PUTTcast.

“We truly believe there is strength in numbers,” says Kevin. “We understand the uphill battles independent pharmacies face daily. It’s important as independent businesses in pharmacy that we stand together. Supporting PUTT’s ability to get the PBM message out is one way we at Datascan can do that. At the end of the day, it’s about our pharmacies’ ability to stay in business and effectively provide their most crucial service; caring for patients.”

To learn more about Datascan Pharmacy Software, go to

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